Dental Implants: Enhancing Recovery Naturally

Dental Implants: Enhancing Recovery

Anyone who has experience with dental surgery can tell you that healing the underlying bone and gum tissue is a lengthy process.

Dental Implants can require approximately 6-12 months for decayed tooth removal, and preparing the bone for implanting the post upon which a custom laboratory-made tooth will be fastened.

At The Root of the Issue

Ideally, addressing conditions that may be undermining dental health is a key approach to proper healing and successful outcomes of implant surgery.

This can include (but not limited to):

      • Microcirculation: Effects of smoking or chew tobacco on small blood vessels, general circulation problems, Autoimmune conditions

      • Bone Health: Osteopenia, Osteoporosis, Post-menopause related bone loss

      • Dietary Factors: Soda intake that dissolves teeth and bones over time, poor nutrition

      • Grinding teeth and clenching jaw

      • Age: As we age, tissue repair can require a longer healing period with bone grafting and gum healing time

      • Medication: Some prescription and over-the-counter medications can cause softening of bones, reduced circulation to surface blood vessels, dry mouth, Oral Candidiasis (Yeast Overgrowth), as well as nutritional deficiencies and metabolic imbalances

      • Chronic Digestive Acid Reflux: Digestive acids that repeatedly rise from the stomach can cause dental erosion over time – notably overnight while laying down

    Taste the Rainbow

    The very first measure anyone is best to adopt is a Healthy Diet, that is varied in colour. Think of the rainbow and aiming to get at least one or two servings of each hue into the daily diet.

    Natural pigments as part of the overall nutritional value of plants have particular therapeutic benefits in the body.

    Variations of colour assures the intake of essential elements for overall health and ability to heal from surgery more efficiently.

    Take into consideration an understanding that it is best to be evaluated for Threshold Food Sensitivities to identify foods that may trigger inflammation in the body before consuming certain foods on a daily basis. This directly addresses mindfulness around foods that cause Digestive Acid Reflux and Constipation, which impact dental health and healing from surgery.

    Of course, a diet generally lower in acids will help reduce erosion of tooth enamel and overall inflammation that increases acidity in the body. A Plant-Based diet or a daily diet with an emphasis on plant intake generates more alkalinity — the counterbalance to acid — and the resulting positive influence over oral health.

    Mind The Gap

    As mentioned above (At The Root of the Issue): It is ideal to begin these measures in-advance of any dental surgery to prepare the body — especially if there is a Hormonal Imbalance, Autoimmune Condition, longstanding dietary issues, or regular use of prescription or over-the-counter medications.

    If reading this after already beginning the process of Dental Implants — or if the Oral Surgeon has remarked bone grafting is not effectively taking hold — there is no better time to start with support than RIGHT NOW.

    In addition to dietary changes, highly concentrated and custom-compounded fluid herbal extracts act to address support of the underlying conditions as well as enhancing local tissue healing.

    All of these measures taken in-total can make a profound difference in the quality of healing and sustainability of the implant over time.

    Interested? I am here for You any time you are ready!


    Tami Bronstein

    University-qualified Medical Herbalist-Physiologist — via University of Wales/College of Phytotherapy (Cardiff/London, U.K.), Hofstra University, Exercise Physiology + Psychology (New York), and Post-Graduate Fellowship alongside Medical Doctors (France) in NeuroEndocrinology support via Plant Remediation. Clinical Nutrition perspective is part-and-parcel of Clinical Herbal Medicine + Exercise Physiology education and perspectives. Nearing 30 years in-practice.

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