Plastic Surgery – Aesthetics Pre-Requisite

Personalised Complementary and Alternative Approach in the management of:


As we age, changing Hormonal and Cellular Metabolic functions influence delicate features of facial anatomy and physiology that modifies our appearance. This requires Specialised attention.

Custom Compounded Herbal Medicine tailored to the Individual provides effective preparation for surgical procedures, to enhance and optimize:


Adding to these common aspects of Surgical Support, we address the Hormonal, Cellular Metabolic, and Nutritional factors in preparing for recovery.

The IDEAL timeframe for starting this deeper level of preparation does depend upon Personal Medical History, but a minimium of 3-4 months for Hormonally-Based Imbalances is recommended.

General, uncomplicated support can be effective with a bit less lead-time.

Certainly, if you have discovered this type of support within 2-4 weeks prior to a procedure, we can most decidedly make a difference in surgical ease and recovery.

In the event you find this option in support AFTER surgery — and are experiencing unexpected lingering yellowing or post-operative swelling — we can readily assist in cleaning this up within 1-4 weeks after surgery. A number of experienced Plastic Surgeons across the country refer their Patients to Tami when they require more Specialized attention for recovery.

Beginning Care in the 6-12 months prior to Plastic Surgery procedures assists effective management of General Concerns affecting quality and integrity of hair, skin, and nails.

More advanced Pre-Operative preparation timing and Extended Support duration after surgery, may help optimise results, including (but not limited to) attention to the following pre-existing conditions:

  • Eczema + Psoriasis
  • Autoimmune Management
  • Thyroid Function
  • Medication Side-effects
  • Hormonal Hair Loss
  • Peeling + Cracking Skin and Nails
  • Oral Ulcers
  • Chronic Allergy Swelling and Congestion
  • Peri-Menopause and Menopause Management
  • Post-Childbirth Hormone Recalibration and Cesarian Recovery
  • Fatigue
  • Viral + Bacterial Infection Recovery
  • Prolonged Stress
  • Sleep Deprivation

Chronic Allergies, lifestyle demands, changing hormones, frequent air travel with jet lag, Anxiety, Menopause, Peri-Menopause, sleep disturbances, inconsistent dietary habits, emotional events, busy schedules and many other factors place increased demands upon natural resources of the body — which can lead to depletion and/or imbalance.


Based upon your Personal Medical History and Needs, variable combinations of Organic Whole-plant extracts are Custom Formulated and freshly compounded BY-HAND as-required to replenish and enhance what the body needs to balance itself.

Concierge-style Unlimited Consultation Care, walking you through the entire process of preparing the face and body to minimise the degree and duration of Post-surgical Bruising and Swelling. Addressing Individual Medical History, potential Hormonal Imbalance and Nutritional Deficiencies to enable a swift recovery.

Food Sensitivity Testing recommended at the start of support identifies foods and plant families that contribute to an Individual’s Chronic Inflammation and Digestive Inefficiencies. A longer lead-up of support prior to surgery in cases of Food Sensitivities and Chronic Imbalances is most beneficial to experience optimal results with this type of WellCare.

Food Pantry guidance provided to have everything you need leading up to and following surgery — through Recovery.

Feel like you have a more complex Medical History? Get started soon as possible! Most people consider Plastic Surgery up to a year (or longer!) prior to even deciding on the Surgeon!

Find yourself looking at “Before and After” images online more often? THAT is the utmost ideal time to initiate recalibrating and preparing!

Direct Practitioner Access By-Phone and HIPAA-Secure Text for the ultimate in convenience – Assisting in your beautiful results!


Concierge-Style Unlimited-Access Care Programme

Remote Care

Your Medical Herbalist-Physiologist is available to you every step of the way:

  • Custom Herbal Medicine Formulation Modifications
  • Adjusting the Plan as you respond to Support
  • Ongoing review + integration of new clinical reports through your Doctors
  • Guidance with Nutritionally-enhanced results through Therapeutic Food Concentrates and Reasonable Dietary Modifications for Optimal Results 

Available by Appointment

How it works


Book your initial consultation

CARE PROGRAMME is a Monthly-Renewal Concierge-style approach to your best support. Clinically-based Functional Herbal Medicine Care is provided through Unlimited Phone COnsultations and Direct HIPAA-Secure Telemedicine Texting. Upon booking your Initial Phone Consult, you’ll fill out a comprehensive health history survey which your Medical Herbalist-Physiologist will review with you in-detail during the first phone visit. 


Create your treatment plan

Your body is as unique as your fingerprints. Upon detailed review of your health history survey, complete symptom exploration, available clinical diagnostic reports, and your body’s functional needs to enhance results – we will prepare a Support Plan that evolves with you over time. 

This may include Custom Compounded Herbal Medicines when appropriate, with recommendations for Food Sensitivity Testing, related Dietary Modifications + enhanced results through Nutritional Therapeutics. It may also include specific recommendations to take to your Doctor for evaluation. 


Follow Through

Your Care is managed directly through your Practitioner from the Initial Consult, onward.

Unlimited Phone Consultations + Direct HIPAA-Secure Telemedicine Text platform provides attentive and timey support throughout the Care Programme. 


Other Areas of Care