Real Question, Real Answer: Hormones

In my early school days, I recall when teachers encouraged students to ask all questions aloud while in a group, saying “others may have the same question as you do, but are too embarrassed or afraid to ask.” This gave me the idea to start a series on The Blog, to share real-life questions I receive via email, and what I have answered!
Enquirer’s name has been withheld to preserve confidentiality. I combined her initial outreach — enquiring about natural hormonal balance — followed by a request for clarity on the General Information leaflet she had previously received. Minor edits have been applied for ease of reading:

Question: My hormones feel out of balance due to some physical symptoms I’ve been having for a few years and I would like to find a natural way to balance them. I’d like to do the first two months then determine how’s it’s going before I commit to the month to month. Is it possible to do that way — or do I need to commit to the year, no matter what? 

My Reply: Here to help in answering your questions with a bit more detail! From what I see, you are looking at support for hormonal imbalance. I appreciate your exploring options with a functional approach! It may help for me to briefly explain how hormones respond to triggers and remedies, so you can best make your decision with getting started.
Generally speaking, hormones are regulated over monthly cycles, for both women and men alike. When an imbalance occurs, it is typically triggered approximately 3-4 months before symptoms appear — a delay from trigger to symptoms. 
This trend in timing is reflected equally when making changes to the diet, lifestyle, stress management and/or adding remedies (whether natural, supplemental, or pharmaceutical). That is to say, when steps toward finding balance/hormonal recalibration are taken, it takes an absolute minimum of 3-4 monthly cycles to begin seeing progress in the right direction. Not full resolution — yet, promising progress.
[Herbs are] gentle and gradual, effective over time.
Formulations are adjusted along the way as hormonal cycles and functions are monitored. Realistically, it takes approximately 6 months to reasonably see more full effects of anything added for [hormonal rebalance] support.
The longer you’ve been navigating an (established) issue, the longer it could take for us to untangle if deep seated.
This gradual hormone response is why medical doctors will re-test hormonal panels no sooner than 4-6 months apart, and this approach is something we can integrate with your doctor’s testing to affirm progress and inform where we may refine your formulations for improved results.
The initial 2-month period is separated from Monthly Care Renewals simply because the initial weeks and months typically involve more frequent calls and text support than established patients, with shorter preparation cycles initially to observe response and tailor formulations appropriately to the individual — but too soon to see adequate results. 
It is much like setting a solid foundation first, before building a house.
Additionally, we often work with food sensitivity testing, dietary changes, and potentially requesting certain testing from a person’s physician along the way — which can take time to establish.
In light of this, success of this work resides in the more subtle observations with methodical adjustments over a longer period of time.
So, I wouldn’t wish for you to waste the investment of 2 months without a real sense of whether it resonates to your aims, with expectations at a 2-3 month limit — before we would see desired results.
We would also likely still be in the middle of a formula cycle at the end of 2 months; While taking herbal medicines that I provide, it is required to be on Monthly Care Programme monitoring for safety, efficacy, and adjustments, so we would likely need to renew [at least] month 3 to ensure proper support.
If it resonates and you are open to giving it approximately 6 months’ dedication, I have copied [my assistant] here and she can provide initial scheduling via email. Hopefully I was able to shed some light on how this approach works, as it relates to hormonal balance support and what to expect!


Enquirer asked about committing to a year because I offer a reduced/courtesy monthly rate for individuals whose medical history or general needs are best suited toward long-term or ongoing support, starting at the 12th-consecutive monthly renewal anniversary.

There is NO requirement for long-term commitments – as each and every individual has their own unique needs and what approach best supports their aims.

Some individuals only require periodic or seasonal support, and return as-needed for varied periods of time to rebalance. In this particular enquiry, we are addressing concerns about hormone recalibration, which does require a more realistic period of time to observe response to an approach and make refinements toward real progress.

It is essential to be clear on estimated expectations based on how the human body functions and responds to adjustments, with dedication to follow-through. As ever, recovery timelines are highly individualistic and we each respond to remediation at different rates of time.

Of course, consistency, dedication, and patience are key! — and we only experience the results of a natural approach as much as our efforts are invested.

Individuals you see on my praise page sharing successful results are those who actively update me with changes to their lifestyle, regularly inform me with observations of subtle changes to daily functions, send me their latest clinical reports, and those who actively involve me in their dietary choices and supplemental curiosities for input or perspective.

Our approach needs to change with you as your body changes over time.

In other words: What may work for us today or for the past years together might not always be as supportive in the months and years to come. In consideration of this, my work adapts accordingly!

Given the opportunity to help as changes occur, the timely, open, and active lines of communication are essential to make sensible, methodical adjustments.


Tami Bronstein

University-qualified Medical Herbalist-Physiologist — via University of Wales/College of Phytotherapy (Cardiff/London, U.K.), Hofstra University, Exercise Physiology + Psychology (New York), and Post-Graduate Fellowship alongside Medical Doctors (France) in NeuroEndocrinology support via Plant Remediation. Clinical Nutrition perspective is part-and-parcel of Clinical Herbal Medicine + Exercise Physiology education and perspectives. Nearing 30 years in-practice.

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